Longo said for the upcoming fiscal year the district is also requesting $599,000 in improvements at the schools as part of improvements outlined in the Antinozzi report - a 10-year facilities’ plan. Scarice’s budget request will cut six full-time equivalent (FTE) regular education teachers, and add three FTE special education teachers and two FTE special education paraprofessionals. Three more students are projected for pre-kindergarten, while the elementary schools are expecting a decrease of two students and the middle schools are projecting eight fewer students. The budget also projects a decrease of 68 students across the district, largely at the high school where there are 61 fewer students expected. Facebook We would like to pay our respects. “That year-after-year tends to range anywhere between 80 and 81 percent, that is true of most districts in Connecticut.” address 56 Widderson Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444 teleph2944 email .au.

“Salaries and benefits combined (are) 80.5 percent of the total budget expenditures,” said Elio Longo, chief financial officer. The two line items make up a majority of the budget. College Financial Aid Application Night WPL. His proposed budget increases salaries by $2.9 million and benefits by $1.2 million. 2023-2024 School Calendar (PDF) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.